Spend more time focusing on what moves you.

My services

Website Design & Marketing

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First impressions count. Horse-people notoriously know and share what they like (and dislike).

Whether you are starting from scratch and need a complete branding and marketing package including a logo or your existing content simply needs a refresh, I can help you put your best foot forward both online and in print. Your marketing materials speak volumes about you and your business - so let’s work together to showcase what you have to offer and why potential clients should be seeking to work with you.

  • Logos starting at $350

  • Website design starting at $600

  • Content development and copy editing starting at $65/hour

Still shuffling papers? Finding it a challenge to keep up with texts, emails and social media enquiries? Let’s simplify and consolidate.

Still trying to track your customers and clients on paper? Too many apps, spreadsheets and contact lists to keep track of? Let me help you transition to a simplified, cost-effective, paperless system for managing your business. Struggling to time to keep up with day-to-day inquiries, client communications and billing? Offload some or all of this work to me on a monthly-contract basis.

  • Rates vary based on total number of clients/members served

  • Hourly and monthly packages


Virtual Office Support

Event Management & Support

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Behind every successful horse show is someone who eats, sleeps and breaths competitions. Let that ‘someone’ for your event be me.

From prize list design and event sanctioning to sponsorship proposals and awards procurement, equestrian events require meticulous attention to detail and precision project management. Whether filling gaps or complimenting the skills of existing event staff, or providing end-to-end show management, I’m here to ensure your events are as enjoyable for participants as they are profitable for you. From hunters and jumpers to dressage and breed shows, clinics to awards banquets, my passion for curating equestrian events equates to your organization garnering the respect you desire and deserve.

  • Rated vary based on competition size and sanctioning (discount for grassroots/not-for-profit organizations)

  • On-site support billed per day (plus travel costs)

We never skimp on bringing in the experts when our horses are in need. Why don’t we treat our businesses with the same care?

In the horse world, engaging a “neutral third-party” - another trainer or coach or veterinarian - can provide a welcomed fresh perspective on a challenge, issue or concern. We seek their expertise. We value their observations and insights.

Want to explore how to grow or evolve your business but you’re not sure how? Feel like it’s time for a change but you’re not sure what? I can help you find ways to embrace opportunity and change while maintaining those pieces of your business model that provide fulfillment and value to others. From incremental revisions - such as updated boarding and lease contracts - to completely rewriting what it is you do now, I’m here to support and guide you toward finding a better working life.

  • Hourly rate: $65.00

  • Packages and monthly rates available

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Equestrian Business Consulting

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.